43 research outputs found

    Noun phrases with prepositional complements in German and their equivalents in Croatian

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    U članku se analiziraju struktura i opseg imenskih skupina s prijedložnim komplementima, realizacija sintaktičkih i semantičkih funkcija njemačkog neodređenog i određenog člana u njihovim hrvatskim ekvivalentima te valencija glave nominalnih skupina i semantičke funkcije prijedložnih komplemenata. Analiza se zasniva na korpusu ekscerpiranom iz književnih djela njemačkih i hrvatskih autora. Postojanje člana u njemačkom i njegovo nepostojanje u hrvatskom jeziku te različito izgrađeni padežni sustavi osnovna su razlikovna obilježja dvaju jezika. Hrvatski ekvivalent njemačkog prijedložnog komplementa ima oblik prijedložne ili, rjeđe, imenske skupine. U većini slučajeva postoji razlika u prijedlogu i padežu.This paper analyses the structure and volume of noun phrases with prepositional complements, the realization of the syntactic and semantic functions of the German indefinite and definite articles in their Croatian equivalents, as well as the head noun valency and semantic functions of prepositional complements. The analysis is based on a corpus of examples excerpted from literary works of German and Croatian authors. The existence of grammatical articles in German, their non-existence in Croatian and the differently developed case-systems are basic distinctive marks in the noun and prepositional phrase of the two languages. The Croatian equivalent of the German prepositional complement is a prepositionnal or, less frequently, a noun prhase. The prepositional equivalent shows in most cases difference in preposition and case

    The design of a full flow dilution tunnel with a critical flow Venturi for the measurement of diesel engine particulate emission

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    Na osnovu međunarodnih standarda, potreba korisnika i zahteva proizvođača realizovan je tunel za razređenje izduvnih gasova. Pri konstruisanju tunela uzet je u obzir niz ograničenja definisanih u standardima o kontroli emisije i izboru venturija. Potrebni podaci pri definisanju osnovnog koncepta tunela dobijeni su iz brojnih ispitivanja emisije obavljenih u Institutu IMR. U radu je takođe prikazan i kraći postupak proračuna dimenzija venturija kritičnog strujanja. Posebna pažnja je posvećena merenju emisije čestica koristeći metodu razređenja izduvnog gasa, Å”to ne dozvoljava koriŔćenje jednostavnih termodinamičkih i strujnih parametara. Usvojen je metod određivanja emisije čestica za dva krajnja slučaja koja se mogu pojaviti tokom ispitivanja. Koristeći rezulate proračuna konstruisan je i izrađen tunel za razblaženje punog protoka sa venturijem kritičnog strujanja koji je zatim ispitan u Institutu IMR.An appropriate type of dilution tunnel is chosen, based on the international standards, user's needs and the manufacturer's requirements. During the design process, a number of restrictions specified in the standards for emission and Venturis were taken into account. The data required to address basic concepts were obtained from numerous emission tests performed at the IMR Institute. A short algorithm of calculation of the critical flow Venturi (CFV) is also presented. Specific attention is paid to the problems of the measurement of particulate emissions using the dilution method, which does not allow us to use the unique thermodynamic and flow parameters. A method of evaluation of particulate emissions for two extreme cases which were expected during the tests was adopted. Using the results of calculations, a full flow dilution tunnel with CFV was manufactured and tested at the IMR Institute

    Is Privatization of State-Owned Companies a Necessary Requirement for Their Successful Performance in Croatia?

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    Svjedoci smo rasprava o ulozi države u gospodarstvu i o tome gospodari li država dobro svojim vlasniÅ”tvom. To je osobito važno jer se država u ulozi vlasnika pojavljuje ā€œu ime i za računā€ građana. Stoga način upravljanja i raspolaganja imovinom države predstavlja važno političko pitanje, a javnost je po prirodi stvari zainteresirana za to da se imovina koristi racionalno, transparentno i za ostvarivanje javnih, a ne privatnih i partikularnih interesa. U ovom se radu povezuju ekonomska i pravna razmiÅ”ljanja o tim pitanjima, Å”to dosad nije bio slučaj u domaćoj literaturi. Analiziraju se ekonomski, politički i pravni razlozi aktualnog stanja. Analiza ekonomskih pokazatelja poslovanja državnih poduzeća i pravnog okvira njihovog upravljanja služi kao polaziÅ”te za preporuke kako unaprijediti poslovanje državnih poduzeća kroz promjene u sustavu korporativnog upravljanja. Glavni alati promjene su profesionalizacija, depolitizacija i privatizacija državnih poduzeća. Rad sadrži preporuke za implementaciju novih institucionalnih rjeÅ”enja.We have been witnessing discussions about the role of state in the economy and whether state-owned property is being managed well. This is of particular importance because the state plays the role of owner on behalf of its citizens. Therefore, the way state-owned assets are managed and used represents an important political issue, and it is in the publicā€™s interest for such assets to be used in a rational and transparent manner in order to achieve public interests, and not private or particular interests. This paper combines economic and legal perspectives on the matter, which has not yet been done in the Croatian literature. The economic, political and legal reasons for the current status are analyzed. Analysis of the economic performance indicators of state-owned companies and the legal corporate governance framework serves as a starting point for recommendations on how to improve the performance of state-owned companies through changes in the corporate governance system. The main tools in implementing changes are professionalization, depoliticization and privatization of state-owned companies. The paper provides recommendations for implementing new institutional solutions

    Reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from trasport

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    Transport is responsible for around a quarter of World greenhouse gas emissions making it the second biggest greenhouse gas emitting sector after industry. Road transport alone contributes about onefifth of the EU's total emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). While emissions from other sectors are generally falling, those from transport have continued to increase until 2008 when transport emissions started to decrease on the back of oil prices, increased efficiency of passenger cars and slower growth in mobility. The paper presents the information on EU measures to reduce fuel consumption, as well as CO2 emissions from road transport introducing limits for CO2 emission from passenger cars, vans and heavy duty trucks. These limits follow ACEA voluntary agreement on fuel consumption reduction and define the targets for CO2 emission in the year 2015 and 2020

    The characteristics of combustion process of diesel engine using vegetable oil methyl esters

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    Biodiesel is one of the promising renewable, alternative, and environmentally friendly biofuels that can be used in Diesel engine with little or no modification in the engine. The present paper investigates the combustion characteristics of single cylinder, naturally aspirated, air cooled, Diesel engine fueled with pure (100%) methyl ester of rapeseed oil, comparing to the corresponding characteristics when it was driven by diesel fuel. Combustion process analysis for both fuels was done at constant engine speed and at two load levels corresponding to the mean effective pressure of three and six bar. It was also concluded that the test engine can operate without problems, both with that fuel and with a lot of other biofuels and their mixtures that were used during long laboratory research

    The characteristics of combustion process of diesel engine using vegetable oil methyl esters

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    Biodiesel is one of the promising renewable, alternative, and environmentally friendly biofuels that can be used in Diesel engine with little or no modification in the engine. The present paper investigates the combustion characteristics of single cylinder, naturally aspirated, air cooled, Diesel engine fueled with pure (100%) methyl ester of rapeseed oil, comparing to the corresponding characteristics when it was driven by diesel fuel. Combustion process analysis for both fuels was done at constant engine speed and at two load levels corresponding to the mean effective pressure of three and six bar. It was also concluded that the test engine can operate without problems, both with that fuel and with a lot of other biofuels and their mixtures that were used during long laboratory research

    Antioxidant variability of wheat genotypes under salinity stress in situ

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    Crop cultivation under the open-field conditions depends on a variety of biotic and abiotic factors which cause plant stress and deterioration. Due to high soil salinity, some soils can be an unfavourable growing environment for most plants. As a low productivity soil type, solonetz soils are a stressful growing environment, causing plant deterioration. Plants have developed a complex antioxidative defense system as a precaution against oxidative stress caused by high soil salinity. The trial was set up on a halomorphic soil type-solonetz. The research included ten cultivars, one local population of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. aestivum L.) and one cultivar of triticale (Triticosecale W.). The activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in plant antioxidative defense system was detected during the trial, as well as lipid peroxidation. The analysis of biochemical markers was done in the flowering stage, and then in the milk maturity phase. Research results of the tested components revealed the highest stress tolerance exhibited by genotypes Banatka and Bankut 1205. Understanding the process of oxygen radical production by the plant tissue contributes to breeding wheat cultivars for better stress tolerance. Selection of genotypes better adapted to growing conditions in solonetz soils could facilitate a more economically justifiable wheat production, and promote utilization of the lower-quality soil types in agriculture

    Combustion characteristics of several types of biofuel in a diesel engine

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    Interesovanje za alternativna goriva koja bi se koristila za pogon motora sus je veoma veliko u čitavom svetu. Zato se istraživanja vezana za ovu problematiku vrÅ”e u mnogim vodećim svetskim laboratorijama za motore. Razlog ovog interesovanja su dostupnost ovakvih goriva, povoljne ekoloÅ”ke karakteristike i pozitivan uticaj na ekonomije zemalja koje ovakva goriva mogu da proizvode. U predmetnom radu se daje deo rezulta veoma kompleksnih i dugotrajnih istraživanja dinamike procesa sagorevanja kod dizel motora pogonjenog metilestrima biljnih ulja i to otpadnog palminog jestivog ulja, sojinog ulja i ulja uljane repice. Poređenje promena u radnom procesu motora, pre svega procesu sagorevanja, je vrÅ”eno pri sinhronizovanom radu motora na uobičajenim standardnim dizel gorivom mineralnog porekla. Analizom zakona (toka) sagorevanja svakog pojedinačnog goriva, utvrđeno je da postoje razlike koje nisu velikog karaktera, iz čega se može zaključiti da su goriva proizvedena iz biljnih ulja, a po važećem standardu, veoma kvalitetna goriva za pogon dizel motora. Ovo daje mogućnost naročito poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima da samostalno proizvode deo potrebnog goriva sa sopstvenih zemljiÅ”nih parcela uz uslov da poseduju odgovarajuću opremu za proizvodnju biodizela.Alternative propulsion fuels for diesel engines were highlights for a variety of research activities within a large number of R&D labs in the world. Curiosity, as well as basic interest in alternative fuel has been immense because of its reproducibility, renewability, as well as good ecological characteristics. Another reason for this interest is a favorable impact on the economies of the countries engaged in their production, by processing that kind of bio fuel. This paper presents the results of testing and research of the three types of alternative fuel gained from bio oil. Analyses and comparison of the dynamics of combustion process of these alternative fuels were done in relation to the reference diesel fuel. Burning process of methyl esters rapeseed (RME100), soya oil (SME100), waste cooking palm oil (PME100), as well as of regular Euro diesel fuel were investigated. It was found that these fuels were highly usable in diesel engines if they had been produced according to a proper standard procedure under standard EN 14214. The application of bio fuel is also very interesting for the propulsion of agricultural engines and machinery, because it enables the individual farming of bio fuel products necessary for the appropriate own machinery

    Analysis of the Biofuel Combustion Process in a Small Agricultural Diesel Engine

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    The paper presents the results of research into the possibility of using a mixture of various types of biodiesel fuel with standard diesel fuel of mineral origin in a mixture ratio of 50:50, labelled B50, on a diesel engine with direct injection intended for small agricultural machinery driving. The analysis was performed in terms of comparing the pressure flow in the cylinder and the dynamics of the combustion process over the heat release flow in the engine cylinder. It was found that with the specified fuel mixture ratio in the mixture there were no major changes in the pressure flow in the cylinder and the heat release process, which indicates that the given fuel mixture ratio can be used without problems to power this class of engine in long-termoperation, without fear of possible harmful consequences for the engine

    Varijabilnost semenskih parametara sorti hlebne pŔenice

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    Expansion and intensification of cultivation are among the predominant global changes of this century. Constant growth of the world population and rising demand for food conditional on improving the quality /quantity of crop products. This could be achieved by synergy among breeding improvement and dedicated seed production. Accordingly, advanced and modern production of bread wheat allows the creation of new genotypes with better adaptability to different environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of genotype, environment and their interactions on yield and randman of seed using AMMI model. Ten bread wheat varieties were investigated (Evropa 90, NSR 5, Pobeda, Renesansa, Ljiljana, Cipovka, Dragana, Simonida, NS 40S and Zvezdana) across three growing seasons (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12) and two locations (Novi Sad and Pančevo). Based on the interaction of genotypes and agro-ecological environments for yield and randman of seed on AMMI1 biplot it was noted that the genotypes differed more in several multivariate part of the total variation than in additive effect.Stalan rast svetske populacije i porast potreba za hranom zahtevaju poboljÅ”anje kvaliteta i prinosa semena poljoprivrednih kultura. Ovo se postiže oplemenjivačkim radom i predanim semenarstvom. U skladu sa tim, napredak u savremenoj proizvodnji hlebne pÅ”enice omogućuje stvaranje novih genotipova, sa boljom adaptabilnoŔću na različite agroekoloÅ”ke uslove. Pravilnim održavanjem i umnožavanjem sorti teži se smanjenju gubitaka deklarisanog semena, koji su usko povezani sa iskoristljivoŔću semena, odnosno randmanom, koji je pokazatelj kvalitetnog viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg semenarstva i efikasnosti dorade naturalnog semena. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj genotipa, spoljaÅ”nje sredine i njihove međusobne interakcije na randman i prinos semena primenom AMMI modela. Ispitivano je deset sorti hlebne pÅ”enice (Evropa 90, NSR 5, Pobeda, Renesansa, Ljiljana, Cipovka, Dragana, Simonida, NS 40 S i Zvezdana) tokom tri vegetacione sezone (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12), na dva lokaliteta (Novi Sad i Pančevo). Na osnovu prikaza interakcije genotipova i agroekoloÅ”kih sredina za randman i prinos semena, u obliku AMMI1 biplota, zabeleženo je da su se genotipovi viÅ”e razlikovali u multivarijacionom delu ukupne varijacije ogleda, nego u aditivnom efektu. Na nivou celog ogleda genotipovi su bolji randman semena ostvarili na lokalitetu Pančevo, dok su uslovi lokaliteta Novi Sad bili povoljniji za ostvarivanje većeg prinosa. Genotip Dragana je imao najveći randman semena (93,49%) dok je genotip Simonida bio najprinosniji (8.12 tĀ·ha-1). Genotipovi koji su imali malu interakcijsku vrednost genotip/spoljna sredina odnosno bolju stabilnost od ostalih su: Ljiljana, kada se posmatra randman semena i Renesansa, kada je u pitanju prinos